For SMEs

Helping you overcome the challenges that comes with sustained growth, and going from 2 employee to 200


High turnover, limited resources and revenue uncertainty: managing an SMEs is an everyday rollercoaster. As time passes and company grows, leaders of SMEs often see new challenges arising that may lower the competitive edge they have against bigger companies playing on the same field:

  • Innovation slowing down: As more processes and bureaucracy are put in place, space for creativity seem to have shrunken. New ideas are becoming rarer and product development can start stagnating.
  • Misaligned ways of working: More structure becomes increasingly necessary, and what used to work with a 10 people group suddenly cannot function anymore. Communication and decision making becomes more complex, and employees who have been there for longer are reluctant to changing their old ways.
  • Shifting company culture: With the founding group of the first days having expanded, the strong feelings of passion and drive are being replaced with less engaged attitudes towards work. New employees come with different mindsets and motivators, and relationships become less personal than they used to.
  • Lack of middle-level leadership: Teams are growing, but decision-making stays in the hand of the same small group of leaders, forcing them to spend more time on day-to-day administration and people management than strategic vision.

So, what do SMEs need?

  • Bringing a breath of fresh air on innovation: Creating spaces where critical thinking, ideas and new ways to deliver value flourish, and where passion for the company’s vision is cultivated.
  • Syncing ways of working: Uncovering day-to-day blockers and enablers on people, processes and projects levels, and finding solutions with the team to overcome them and reach cohesion and optimal performance.
  • Designing and activating a company culture: Defining the core values and behaviors needed to reach strategic goals, and how to adopt them at individual and team level.
  • Training leaders… fast: Up-skilling individual contributors to become leaders who are confident and trusted to make decisions, hold team development, and embody the mission of the company

Curious to know how to overcome these challenge and keep thriving through hackathons, workshops and coaching?